- AcetylcholineAcetylcholine is a neurotransmitter found at synapses. It transfers messages from one neuron to another. - ●●●
- Adaptive BehaviorAdaptive behaviour means social and daily life skills that people acquire according to their age. - ●●●
- AdrenalinAdrenalin is a hormone secreted by the body when it is in a ‘flight or fight’ mode. It makes the heart beat faster so that the body can respond to danger - ●●●
- AgnosiaWhen sensory processing areas of the brain are damaged, a person is unable to identify faces or objects. There are different types of agnosia such as visual agnosia, Prosopagnosia (inability to recognize faces) and Achromatopsia (loss of color) - ●●●
- AlleleAllele is an alternative form of a gene that is caused by mutation and is found at the same location as other alternative genes on the chromosome. Alleles can be recessive or dominant. - ●●●
- Alzheimer's DiseaseAlzheimer's is a type of dementia. It is a progressive disorder that gradually causes loss of memory and deterioration in cognitive skills. - ●●●
- Alzheimer’sAlzheimer's is a type of dementia. It is a progressive disorder that gradually causes loss of memory and deterioration in cognitive skills. - ●●●
- amygdalaAmygdala is a part of the central nervous system. The function of this almond-shaped structure is to detect fear and prepare the body in advance - ●●●
- AmyloidAmyloid are pieces of insoluble protein normally produced by the body. They are typically found in tissues and organs and play a major role in certain diseases such as amyloidoses. - ●●●
- Amyloid PlaqueIt’s a sticky buildup that clumps outside nerve cells in the brain. Amyloid is a type of protein found throughout the body. For reasons unknown, the protein divides abnormally, creating a form called beta amyloid which is harmful to neurons in the brain. - ●●●
- AnomiaAnomia occurs when a person is unable to identify everyday objects and people. - ●●●
- anterior commissureAnterior commissure is a collection of nerve fibres that connect the left and right temporal lobes of the cerebral hemisphere - ●●●
- AntibodiesAntibodies are Y-shaped proteins that belong to the immune system. They identify and protect us from foreign bodies called antigens. - ●●●
- AntipsychoticAntipsychotics are a class of drugs that are given to treat psychosis, including hallucinations and paranoia. Low doses of antipsychotics can also be used to treat anxiety and agitation. - ●●●
- ApathyApathy is when a person is uninterested, detached, unresponsive and dispassionate about everything. - ●●●
- ApraxiaApraxia is a brain disorder that is caused by a brain tumor, dementia, or stroke. A person with Apraxia cannot perform tasks even when they are willing to do them. - ●●●
- arachnoidArachnoid is a sensitive membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord. It has a spider web-like structure, extending through the subarachnoid space where it attaches to pia mater - ●●●
- association cortexAssociation cortex takes up all the information coming from different senses and aggregates them into one. It is responsible for learning and reasoning - ●●●
- AutismAutism is a spectrum disorder that affects people at an early age. The exact reason is not known, however, both genes and enviornment are suspected to play a role in the ailment. Typical symptoms include difficulty in communicating and social interaction. - ●●●
- AutopsyAutopsy is a surgical operation done on dead bodies to find out the cause of death when it occurs suddenly. The procedure is performed by a pathologist. - ●●●
- axodendritic synapseAxodendritic synapse refers to the space where communication between one axon and dendrite takes place - ●●●
- axonAxons are nerve fibres that carry electrical impulses from nerve cells - ●●●
- BabblingWhen someone doesn’t make sense while talking because they are talking too fast. Babbling is often used to describe the way babies talk before they learn to speak. - ●●●
- Basal gangliaBasal ganglia is cluster of nuclei found at the base of the forebrain. It is responsible for motor learning, emotions and behaviours - ●●●
- Behavioral neurologistBehavioural neurologist is someone who specializes in diseases or injuries that affect the brain and consequently cause changes in a person's behaviour - ●●●
- Beta-AmyloidBeta-amyloid is microscopic fragments of protein that get detached from the larger protein found in the membrane of nerve cells. These fragments clump together and cause plaques, which contributes to symptoms of Alzheimer's. - ●●●
- Binswanger diseaseBinswanger disease or subcortical vascular dementia occurs when white brain matter suffers damage. This can happen because of multiple reasons, such as hypertension or even old age - ●●●
- bipolar neuronWhen a neuron has two extensions, it is referred to as a bipolar neuron. These are a special form of neuron that is responsible for sensation - ●●●
- Brain tumorBrain tumor occurs when abnormal cells clump together in the brain. There are two types of tumors: benign and malignant. While benign are non-cancerous, malignant spread quickly - ●●●
- brainstemThe brainstem overlooks the flow of message to and from the body. It is responsible for involuntary functions, such as breathing and consciousness - ●●●
- CaregiverA caregiver is someone who takes care of the needs of patients. - ●●●
- cauda equinaCauda equina is a cluster of spinal nerves located at the base of spinal cord - ●●●
- caudalCaudal means ‘towards the tail part of the body’ — also referred to as the posterior end - ●●●
- central nervous systemThe brain and spinal cord together form the central nervous system - ●●●
- central sulcusCentral sulcus creates a division between the frontal and the parietal lobe - ●●●
- CerebellumLocated at the junction of spinal cord and the brain, cerebellum plays an important role in everyday activities by receiving signals from the body and regulating movement. - ●●●
- cerebrospinal fluidCerebrospinal fluid is a liquid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. Its function is to provide buoyancy and protection against injury - ●●●
- ChaplainA chaplain is a spiritual person associated with an institution. The job of a chaplain is to act as a representative of the group and serve the needs of others. - ●●●
- Choline AcetyltransferaseSynthesized by cholinergic neurons, choline acetyltransferase is found at nerve terminals, where it catalyzes the formation of acetylcholine from acetyl coenzyme A and choline. - ●●●
- CholinesteraseCholinesterase is an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine, a neurotranmitter that carries signals across synapses. - ●●●
- choroid plexusChoroid plexus is a group of cells which secrete cerebrospinal fluid. It also separates blood from the fluid - ●●●
- ChromosomesLocated inside the nuclues of a cell, chromosomes are microscopic structures that carry genetic information. Human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes, out of which two are sex chromosomes. - ●●●
- CognitionCognition refers to a process through which a person understands surroundings via senses and thought and acquires knowledge. - ●●●
- ConcussionsConcussion is a small injury that affects the brain and causes temporary loss in brain function - ●●●
- ConditioningConditioning is a process whereby a response is associated with a stimulus - ●●●
- cortexCortex is the exterior portion of the brain that constitutes the grey matter - ●●●
- cranial nervesThey are 12 pairs of nerves with different functions. Some bring sensory information, while others are responsible for controlling muscles - ●●●
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob DiseaseCreutzfeldt-Jakob is a rare degenerative disease that consumes its victim within a year. It is caused by an infectious protein called 'prion' that accumulates in the brain. Its symptoms resemble dementia and include loss of mobility, problems with vision and memory. - ●●●
- DegenerativeDegenerative means a gradual detoriation of body functions or organs. - ●●●
- DeliriumDelirium is a temporary and reversible change in brain functions characterized by mental confusion and restlessness. The condition is caused by various factors such as drug abuse, medication, surgery, and infection. - ●●●
- DelusionDelusion is a typical symptom of mental disorder or psychosis in which one has a strong belief that something untrue is happening. A person basically loses his ability to distinguish between reality and imagination. - ●●●
- DementiaDementia is a set of symptoms that are linked to disorders and their negative effects on the brain. Since dementia is progressive in nature, symptoms that develop will gradually become worse, causing brain cells to die. Since dementia is not a disease itself, it is linked to anything from head - ●●●
- Dementia CaregiverDementia caregiver is someone who takes care of a person with dementia. It could be quite a challenging task since dementia patients tend to ask a lot of questions due to memory loss, show aggressive behavior and have continuous mood swings. - ●●●
- Dementia risk reductionDementia risk reduction can be achieved through better vascular health, which can be achieved through positive physical and mental intervention strategies. - ●●●
- dendritesDendrites are extensions of nerve cells that receive information from other cells - ●●●
- DepressionA mental illness that affects how you feel and act. A person with depression may feel sad most of the time and lose interest in daily activities. Depression is treatable through medicines and psychotherapy. - ●●●
- Deteriorating CommunicationWhen a person cannot communicate effectively, usually due to a neurological disorder. - ●●●
- DisorientationDisorientation refers to a state where a person has no sense of her surroundings. A disoriented person is likely to suffer from illusions and hallucinations. - ●●●
- dorsal rootTwo roots, dorsal and ventral, emerge from the spinal cord. The dorsal root has a bundle of nerves that go towards the body. - ●●●
- dura materDura mater is one of the three layers that cover the brain and spinal cord. It is the thickest, outermost layer - ●●●
- DysarthriaA condition where a person cannot control muscles used for speech. It results in slurred and strained speech that is hard to comprehend. - ●●●
- DyspraxiaIt is a neurological disorder that develops early in childhood. It impacts judgement, memory and motor development. - ●●●
- Early stageEarly stage is when something starts showing initial signs - ●●●
- Early-onset Alzheimer’s DiseaseA rare form of Alzheimer's that affects people younger than 65. Loss of memory and vision, and difficulty completing daily tasks are some of the prominent symptoms of the disorder. - ●●●
- EcholaliaEcholalia refers to repetitive speech. It’s a disorder in which people try to communicate by repeating what they hear. - ●●●
- EcstasyEcstasy is another name for a drug called MDMA, which was first developed by Merck. The drug alters the mood and gives feelings of immense pleasure and increased energy. - ●●●
- efferentEfferent means to ‘carry away from something.’ Neurons that send signals to the body are known as efferent neurons - ●●●
- Elder law attorneyElder Law attorneys are lawyers who specifically cater to the legal needs of the elderly and their loved ones - ●●●
- ElectrocardiogramElectrocardiogram is a painless procedure that tracks electric activity of the heart to check if it's functioning properly - ●●●
- electroencephalogramElectroencephalogram is a process that tracks electrical activity of the brain via small electrodes - ●●●
- Eloquent brainEloquent brain refers to the part of the cortex that controls major neurological functions. Damage to this part can cause loss of linguistic ability or even paralysis - ●●●
- EstrogenEstrogen is a hormone that plays an important role in the female reproduction system. It is produced by the ovaries and is responsible for the development of female sexual characteristics - ●●●
- EuphoriaIt is a state when a person feels extremely happy and elated. - ●●●
- Familial Alzheimer's diseaseFamilial Alzheimer's disease is a genetic incurable disease that strikes at an unusually young age. A person becomes dependent on others and loses the ability to function normally - ●●●
- fornixFornix is a cluster of nerve fibers that act as a bridge between the brain and the body - ●●●
- Frontal lobeFrontal lobe is the part of the brain that acts as a control panel and oversees important functions such as language, memory and problem solving skills - ●●●
- Frontotemporal DementiaIt is a rare type of dementia that affects frontal and temporal lobes of the brain that are responsible for behavior and personality. Affected people lose their ability to emphathise with others and act inappropriately. - ●●●
- GaitGait refers to locomotion behavior exhibited by humans and animals - ●●●
- Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid (GABA)Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter. It binds to a neuron and reduces excitability throughout the nervous system. - ●●●
- ganglionGanglions are lumps that are formed along tendons and ligaments. They are non-cancerous - ●●●
- GeneGene is a part of DNA and carries hereditary information - ●●●
- GeriatricianGeriatricians are doctors who have expertise in diagnosing and treating ailments contracted by the elderly - ●●●
- GliaGlia are cells that support and protect neurons. Unlike neurons, they don’t conduct electrical impulses. They are instead known as the ‘glue’ of the nervous system. - ●●●
- GlucocorticoidsGlucocorticoids are a class of steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland in response to stress - ●●●
- GlutamateGluatamate is a neurotransmitter secreted by nerve cells. It plays an important role in learning and memory - ●●●
- Grey MatterThe brain has two kinds of tissue: grey matter and white matter. Grey matter has neuronal cell bodies and axons that carry messages - ●●●
- Growth ConeGrowth cones can be found on axons and dendrons. They are adaptive to the enviornment and change direction according to the stimuli - ●●●
- HallucinationHallucination occurs when a person feels or sees something that is only in the mind. Hallucinations are common in people with schizophrenia and can also be a consequence of drug abuse, excessive drinking or dementia. - ●●●
- HippocampusA horse shoe shaped paired structure that lies in both the right and left sides of the brain. It is responsible for storing long term memories. When damaged, a person loses the ability to form new long term memories. - ●●●
- HomocysteineHomocysteine is an amino acid. When present in high levels, homocysteine is linked to cardiovascular complications, including heart disease and stroke. - ●●●
- Huntington’s DiseaseIt is a genetic brain disorder that damages certain areas of the brain. Each person has a 50% chance of inheriting this disease due to a dormant gene. Its common symptoms include loss of movement, aggressive behavior, and the inability to focus and make decisions. - ●●●
- HyderocephalusHydrocephalus is a condition in which excess fluid accumulates in the brain. This occurs when the passageway between the third and fourth ventricles becomes blocked - ●●●
- HyperresponsivenessWhen your body reacts to foreign bodies in an abnormal manner. The term is usually used to describe the early stage of asthma. - ●●●
- HypothalamusHypothalamus is the part of the brain that overlooks physiological activities such as hunger, sleep, and thirst - ●●●
- ImaginationImagination refers to the process of constructing new ideas that are not present in reality - ●●●
- Impulse Control DisorderImplusive control disorder is when a person cannot control their behavior and emotions. They have strong impluses to indulge in harmful behavior. Addiction and eating disorder also fall under implusive control disorder. - ●●●
- In-home careWhen a patient is looked after at home - ●●●
- IncontinenceIncontinence occurs when a person loses control over her bladder. There are various types of incontinences such as stress incontinence, which occurs when muscles have been damaged. Spinal injury, or a bladder fistula may cause total incontinence, in which a person experiences frequent leaking. - ●●●
- Korsakoff'sCaused by the lack of vitamin B1, Korsakoff's usually occurs in alchoholics. It develops after Wernicke's encephalopathy, a brain disorder characterized by confusion, and vision problems. - ●●●
- Lewy Body DementiaIt occurs when abnormal deposits of proteins called Lewy bodies form in the brain. Symptoms include hallucinations and other cognitive problems. It also affects autonomic nervous system that regulates blood pressure, sweating and pulse. - ●●●
- limbic systemLimbic system is made up of some important structures such as the amygdala, hippocampus and thalamus. It is responsible for three core activities: emotion, memory and arousal - ●●●
- lipid-proteinLipid-proteins are a type of protein that have lipid molecules attached to their membranes. These proteins are found on the surface of cells - ●●●
- Long-term memoryLong-term memory refers to the storage of knowledge and information, held indefinitely. In theory, its capacity is unlimited. - ●●●
- Long-term PotentiationLong-term potentiation refers to the increase in strength of synapses due to high frequency stimuli - ●●●
- Manic DepressionIt was initially referred to as bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder go through cycles of extreme depression. Exact causes of this ailment are not known. Sometimes genetic factors are involved. - ●●●
- meningesMeninges are three layers that cover the spinal cord and the brain. These layers, along with the cerebrospinal fluid, protect the brain from injury - ●●●
- Mental AgeMental age is a measure of person's mental capabilities and intelligence. It is determined through an intelligence test and can differ from the biological age. - ●●●
- Mental Capacity ActDrafted in 2005, the Mental Capacity Act protects all those with mental ailments such as dementia or stroke. The Act enables patients to make decisions for themselves. Under this act, a patient can also appoint someone to make their decisions in the case they can't do it in the future. - ●●●
- mesencephalonMesencephalon is a part of the brain that is responsible for vision, arousal hearing and motor control - ●●●
- MicrogliaMicroglia act as the first form of immune defense in the central nervous system. In case of an injury, they travel to the injured site and remove damaged cells. - ●●●
- Mild Cognitive ImpairmentIt is a stage where a person goes through unwanted changes in memory, perception, learning and reasoning. Mild cognitive impairment is an initial stage and symptoms are not quite severe, however, in some cases they might lead to Alzheimer's. - ●●●
- Mixed DementiaWhen two forms of dementia occur at the same time it is referred to as mixed dementia. For example, symptoms of Alzheimer's and vascular dementia may develop together. - ●●●
- Mood SwingsA sudden and unexplainable change in the way someone feels. It can be both positive and negative. - ●●●
- Multi-infarct DementiaMulti-infarct dementia is an irreversible form of dementia that commonly occurs in older adults. It is caused due to strokes that disrupt blood flow to the brain, damaging brain tissue. - ●●●
- Muscle RigidityMuscle rigidity is when muscles remain contracted for an abnormal period of time and a person is not able to relax. - ●●●
- MyelinMyelin is a substance made from fats. It protects the nerve cells from damage and ensures normal functioning of the nervous system - ●●●
- Narcissistic Personality DisorderPeople afflicted with this disorder think highly of themselves. They feel a constant need to be admired and get disappointment when people don’t appreciate them. - ●●●
- NeurodegenerativeNeurodegenerative refers to the slow death of neurons, which causes various ailments such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease - ●●●
- neurogliaNeuroglia are cells that form a support structure for the neurons and provide them with insulation - ●●●
- NeurologicalNeurological refers to anything that is related to the brain - ●●●
- NeurologyNeurology is a branch of science related to the diagnosis and treatment of ailments associated with the central nervous system - ●●●
- NeuronsNeurons are nerve cells that send and receive information from the body to the brain - ●●●
- NeurotransmittersNeurotransmitters are chemicals that act as messengers between the body and the brain - ●●●
- node of RanvierNode of Ranvier are small gaps found between axons covered with myelin sheath. They speed up the transformation of information. - ●●●
- Normal Pressure HydrocephalusNormal pressure hydrocephalus occurs when excess cerebrospinal fluid disrupts normal functioning of the brain. Its three typical symptoms include loss of bladder control, difficulty in walking and deteroriation of thinking skills. - ●●●
- occipital lobeThe occipital lobe is one of the four lobes in the brain. This lobe is responsible for vision and processes information received by the eyes - ●●●
- OmbudsmanOmbudsman is a person who deals with general public complaints regarding government officials or policies - ●●●
- Oxidative damageOxidative damage occurs when the body produces more oxygen than it can utilize; free radicals then start damaging proteins and molecules within the body - ●●●
- paleoneuroloyPaleoneuroloy is the study of fossils that show the evolution of the brain - ●●●
- ParanoiaParanoia is a condition in which a person becomes extremely suspicious and starts believing that they are under threat. It is often caused by some trauma, disturbed childhood, or deterioration in mental health. - ●●●
- Parkinson's DiseaseParkison's disease is a long term disorder that gradually affects nerve cells. These nerve cells produce dopamine, which regulates movement. Once damaged, a person experiences tremors in the limbs, and a lack of balance. - ●●●
- pituitary glandThe pituitary gland or ‘the master gland’ is a small structure that overlooks other hormone-producing glands - ●●●
- Plaques & TanglesPlaques and tangles are prime suspects when it comes to tissue loss and neuron death among Alzheimer's patients. Plaques develop when beta-amyloid clump around nerve cells, while tangles are formed from the protein known as tau. When tangles form, strands of tau become twisted, resulting in cell - ●●●
- PlasticityPlasticity is the ability of the central nervous system to adapt to the surroundings in order to adopt alternative pathways - ●●●
- plexusPlexus refers to nerves that are located outside the central nervous system - ●●●
- Posterior Cortical AtrophyReferred to as Ben's syndrome, posterior cortical atrophy occurs when the outer layer of the back of the brain starts to degenerate. That part is responsible for vision and once affected, a person has difficulty carrying out visual tasks. - ●●●
- posterior fossaThe tiny space between the cerebellum and brainstem is called posterior fossa - ●●●
- PraxisPraxis means applying a skill or practicing theory. - ●●●
- PresenilinsThey are catalytic components of gamma secretases, which is responsible for the creation of amyloid beta. - ●●●
- Primary Progressive AphasiaA person with primary progressive aphasia gradually loses the ability to communicate. The syndrome is caused by a neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer's. - ●●●
- PrionsA prion is an abnormal, infectious protein that is responsible for certain neurodegenerative diseases — notably Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). - ●●●
- Prodromal Alzheimer’s DiseaseProdromal Alzheimer's is a stage before Alzheimer's where the memory loss process has started, but is not significant enough to be diagnosed as Alzheimer's. - ●●●
- Progressive Supranuclear PalsyA rare disorder that occurs when nerve cells in the brain are damaged. The most prominent symptoms are blurry vision and loss of balance while walking. Researchers have not been able to pinpoint exact causes of this disease. - ●●●
- ReminiscenceReminiscence is a process that involves the recollection of memories from past events. - ●●●
- Respite careRespite care refers to a short, temporary break given to caregivers - ●●●
- reticular formationReticular formation is a collection of neurons in the brainstem that controls the sleep-wake-cycle, making you feel alert - ●●●
- Sandwich CaringSandwich caring is when the younger generation takes care of their older parents along with their own children - ●●●
- Schwann's cellsSchwann's cells provide support and insulation to the nervous system by producing mylien sheath - ●●●
- Subcortical DementiaUsually involved in dementia damage, occurring in the cerebral cortex. Subcortical dementia is a different category in which damage occurs under the cerebral cortex. Its symptoms resemble that of Alzheimer's and include forgetfulness, depression and deterioration of mental processes. - ●●●
- Sundowning SyndromeCommonly referred to as late day confusion, sundowning syndrome is a symptom of Alzheimer's. It results in confusion and restlessness during the late afternoon or early evening. - ●●●
- suprachiasmatic nucleusSuprachiasmatic nucleus is a small area in the brain that regulates circadian rhythms - ●●●
- tectumTectum is the back portion of the brainstem, situated near the rear of the cerebral aqueduct - ●●●
- Temporal lobesTemporal lobes are responsible for auditory function. The auditory cortex is situated in these lobes. The cortex receive signals from ears and processes the information - ●●●
- ThalamusA small structure that is located right above the brain stem. It is responsible for transporting sensory signals to the cerebral cortex - ●●●
- TherapyTherapy is a process that rectify a health issue after it has been diagnosed - ●●●
- Thyroid glandIt is a gland found in the neck that produces hormones which control various functions of the body, including temperature, blood pressure and heart rate - ●●●
- TremorsTremors are caused by rythmic, unintended muscle movement and usually affect the hands, arms, face, voice, trunk and the legs. - ●●●
- TumorTumor is an abnormal cluster of cells - ●●●
- UrinalysisUrinalysis refers to the microscopic examination of urine to diagnose a health issue - ●●●
- Urinary Tract InfectionUrinary tract infection occurs when a part of the urinary tract such as the kidneys, urethra or bladder gets infected. Symptoms differ depending on the type of infection. However, common symptoms include burning sensation while urinating, cloudy urine, constant need to urinate, and pelvic pain. - ●●●
- Vascular Cognitive ImpairmentVascular cognitive impairment refers to the loss of thinking ability caused by diseases that block major blood vessels in the brain. - ●●●
- Vascular DementiaA common type of dementia that occurs due to disruption in blood flow to the brain. Symptoms include confusion, difficulty maintaining balance, agitation and memory loss. - ●●●
- ventricleA ventricle is one of the two chambers of the heart. It receives blood from the atrium and expels it towards the body - ●●●
- visceraViscera refers to all organs that are located in the inner cavities of the body, especially the abdomen cavity - ●●●
- Visual HallucinationsWhen a person starts seeing things that are not real it is referred to visual hallucinations. They occur due to various diseases such as epilepsy, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. - ●●●
- VitaminsVitamins are chemicals produced by the body for its growth and development - ●●●
- WanderingWandering refers to movement that does not have any purpose - ●●●
- Ward of CourtWhen a person is unable to look after himself, the court takes responsibility - ●●●
- Wernicke-Korsakoff SyndromeWernicke and Korsakoff are two separate disorders that occur at the same time. Both are caused due to lack a of vitamin B1, which damages the brain. The syndrome is mostly common in heavy drinkers. - ●●●
- white matterWhite matter makes up the majority of the human brain. It is made of nerve fibres that are surrounded by myelin sheath — and deteriorates with age - ●●●
- Younger-onsetYounger-onset is when a person contracts a disease before the age of 65 - ●●●