Author: Krista Hillis

Krista Hillis

Krista Hillis has a B.A.Sc degree, specializing in neuroscience and psychology. She is actively involved in the mental health and caregiving community, aiming to help others. Krista is also passionate about nutrition and the ways in which lifestyle choices affect and influence the human brain.

Can You Suffer From Mild Dementia?

Did you know that between 15 and 20 percent of adults over the age of 65 may suffer from mild cognitive impairment (MCI)? This means, that although they may notice changes in cognition, they are not typically severe enough to interfere with everyday life or the ability to function independently.

How to Recognize if a Loved One Needs Alzheimer’s Screening

Alzheimer’s disease can have a very noticeable onset. Unfortunately, it is uncommon for a victim of Alzheimer’s to seek help themselves. Often, it is a family member or friend that steps in to suggest a visit to the doctor.  It is essential to know the early signs of Alzheimer’s. Once

3 Ways to Sleep Better to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

It is not news that getting a proper night’s sleep is beneficial for your brain health. Astoundingly, sleep deprivation increases the likelihood of Alzheimer’s disease through the activation of a protein associated with the disease.  Due to the obvious correlation between proper sleep and the prevention of Alzheimer’s, it is

The 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention: A Holistic Approach

The 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention encompasses an integrative philosophy of healing and Alzheimer’s prevention created by the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF). The goal of the foundation is to provide research surrounding dementia prevention and holistic treatment. They have worked since 1993, educating the public and facilitating productive